Doomsday? I think our society is already doomed...

.... if this is how we treat our women and kids, our society is already doomed to destruct & die. We don't need meteorite showers from outside.

I was in Goa, last week when I heard about the Delhi rape case. According to some statistics  at least 30 women get raped in India everyday. We read about it, shake our heads in disgust & move on. Everyday. A Spanish women got raped in Mumbai recently. Appropriate noises were made by those in power. And we move on.

The recent case stands out for absolute brutality meted out to the girl. It is a terrible event, and it doesn't even begin to make sense to me. I wish it had never happened. 

I don't understand how it didn't occur to even one out of those six men that what they were doing was wrong, that the girl also was a human being, just like them. Wasn't even one of them, "man" enough to stop the rest? 

In today's HT I read about a 3 year old girl child who was raped at her play-school. Three year old? Come on now, did she ask for it too? Was she dressed inappropriately?

What is happening to our society? How is it that men don't even think twice before ganging up just to commit crimes against women? And how is it that it doesn't seem wrong to any of these men? Our men have forgotten how to behave in a civil fashion. Travel across any roads in India and be prepared to be stared at constantly, at the least. And while they will do this & worse, other "men" will just stand around as mute spectators. There is no fear of the law when it comes to crime against women. 

I don't have any expectations from either the law & order system, the politicians & police. Because it doesn't affect their lives, they won't bother. The rate of conviction is almost zero for crimes against women. Until things get better, our safety & security is in our own hands. 

I wish I had some fool proof solution to help all of you stay safe & secure. Do whatever it takes to make you feel safe. It could be as simple as carrying a pepper spray / pair of scissors to learning some self defense techniques. Keep your wits about you, don't accept rides from strangers. If you are at a club or party, if the drink leaves your hand, just chuck the rest & get a fresh one. Ensure that your drink is prepared right in front of you. Basically just be vigilant. And stay safe. God Bless!


  1. very true tanveer..agree..this incident has moved many n also affected us mentally..:(

  2. Pepper spray, we need some good companies that sell effective pepper sprays and make it available online.
    I can't think of any other way that could be more effective in saving one's life. this is very sad.

  3. Very well put Tanveer.....we are ashamed!

  4. So true Tanveer...and what's even worse is that our government is simply not taking any steps to protect women and punish the culprits :(

  5. I am so so glad for this perspective, Tanveer!! honestly, what happened in delhi was wrong,...terribly wrong but its not a lone incident which needs to be publicized so much that people forget it happens everyday!! I am unhappy that people don't realize that they need to stand up to it every single day and not for something which happens and then bodies r thrown on the road for the public to stare at and not get involved just because they didn't want to get into police cases and other things. no, the law&order or system is not gonna do anything!! its upto human beings to realize and respect other human beings irrespective of the gender.

  6. so true Tanveer...its so horrible that such things happen..The nation is really grieving for the poor girl who became a victim to such a torment that cannot be thought about..Its not easy to make the world a better living place and one must be vigilant and powerful enough to draw lines wherever needed. Its also about self-protection and learning to draw the lines wherever needed (it could be anything)..................

  7. It's very brutal and crazy what happened here in Delhi. True we don't need a doomsday.... as everyday is apocalypse for some woman or the other here. We live in fear. And it's no good telling your daughters to dress appropriately and be careful.... that's not the only way it would work. We have to tell the sons to treat women right and each family needs to imbibe this in the men. Then only we can hope for a better safer future someday.

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  8. It is just so shameful. Women get zero respect in this country and are treated worse than animals. But you what? We'll be outraged for sometime and then eventually "move on". When each of our politicians are rotten to the core and our system so skewed towards males it will much much more than protests and anger to change the system. It isn't even about the laws, the conviction rate is so low than it will just not matter. Changing the mentality of Indian men will take centuries, if such a thing is even possible. We feel scared of our own police, the supposed protectors of our society. The marine drive incident was by a policeman himself. We are angry, there were rallies, bollywood "stars" and politicians condemned it and then what? We forget and move on. His wife ofcourse is still married to him and says he's innocent. That kind of an "Indian woman" is what the men think we should be. Stay by their side while they commit such unspeakable crimes against other women.

  9. It is just so shameful. Women get zero respect in this country and are treated worse than animals. But you what? We'll be outraged for sometime and then eventually "move on". When each of our politicians are rotten to the core and our system so skewed towards males it will much much more than protests and anger to change the system. It isn't even about the laws, the conviction rate is so low than it will just not matter. Changing the mentality of Indian men will take centuries, if such a thing is even possible. We feel scared of our own police, the supposed protectors of our society. The marine drive incident was by a policeman himself. We are angry, there were rallies, bollywood "stars" and politicians condemned it and then what? We forget and move on. His wife ofcourse is still married to him and says he's innocent. That kind of an "Indian woman" is what the men think we should be. Stay by their side while they commit such unspeakable crimes against other women.

  10. So true and I agree with everyone's comment. The politician does not care and the people. Well, they fight right after the incidents, then forget about the incident and act as if it never happened!!The protest and rallies were good but they gave up after one or two days. Rome was not built in one day and these changes we need is not going to happen after one protest or rally. People need to keep the pressure until they (politician) give in. No offence to anyone, instead of commenting about the problem we should do something about it. Be it writing petitions to the government, protest.
    Great blog Tanveer. I just found out about the blog today and I'm glad I did.:)


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