Lil Miss Muffet, applied her curds and whey..

yogurt.Image via Wikipedia

Here's a cheap home made face pack: Go to fridge, get spoonful of plain curd, apply all over face and neck, rub gently, let it dry, wash off with warm water, show off pretty skin in 15 minutes to the world and it's cousin.

This is a great emergency face pack for those sudden dates, rushed parties and get-to-gethers arranged with old bitchy classmates/genuine friends as the case maybe.

The lactic acid in the yogurt exfoliates gently, removing dull skin and lightly bleaches the skin. The fat and protein plump it up to smoothen out rough edges. The vitamin B is an excellent skin softener as well.

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  1. Divija: I love this face pack.. It always delivers radiant skin in 10 mins and is just a fridge away at home.. :D

  2. yup i agree, and the sour the curd, the better

  3. You can apply curd on the hair also for deep conditioning...only that this is not a quick tip...this needs a lot of time but the results are worth it :)


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