Quick & Recession Time Pedicure

In a hurry? No time for Expensive Pedicures?

Here is a Cheap 30 min, DIY Pedicure

1. Wash feet with Apricot/Walnut Scrub. If you no have, then use plain granulated sugar. Rub away all dead cells.

2. Wipe dry. Apply Bleach. (esp useful if u have tanned feet due to wearing open slippers like me). Use bleach as per instructions on pack.

3. Cut nails while bleach does it's work.

4. use nail buffer to smoothen out nail surface.

Applying nail polish on toesImage via Wikipedia

5. Wash bleach. Dry. Apply moisturizer.

6. Paint toe-nails.

7. Wear your shoes, you are ready to go..

Do share your time/money saving tips with fellow readers.. (if any, readers, that is)

Stay pretty!!
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  1. How simple and effective...I was never a fan of the complicated process always mentioned in mags n other places...Too much time involved along with numerous products..

  2. I know. I found them very irritating & going to the parlor all the time is not effective..


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