Rose Water

Rose Water is one of the best discoveries i have made in skincare..

Good enough for use by itself and versatile enough to be used in conjunction with other products to help the skin...

  • Got Oily skin: Mix with drops of Lavender Oil or Ylang Ylang
  • Got Mature skin: Add Sandalwood Oil
  • Got Dry Skin: Add Jojoba Oil
  • Got Acne: Try Tree tree Oil
(all theses are essential oils and ought to be used in small quantities)
  • Out in the Sun: Spritz all over face to cool down skin and prevent a tan

Consistent use of rose water has lightened a lot of my acne scars (though this takes months) and has made my skin quite soft.

However you should be realistic in your expectation from this product, because it ain't no miracle, it is after all just water with a little bit of rose oil. It does greatly improve the results you get out of your other products like face packs and moisturizers.

Using a good quality rose water is essentials as a lot of commercial products use synthetic rose oil which does nothing for the skin. Most of these products contain menthol to produce a cooling sensation which actually is dehydrating for the skin.

I use Aroma Magic Skin Toner. This is a range developed by Aromatherapist Blossom Kocchar.

This toner has Extracts of Rose, Lavender, Peppermint, Sandalwood and pure essential oils of Witch hazel, Juniper, Basil & Tea tree. and is 100% alcohol free.

jojoba-oilImage by tellumo via Flickr

All i need to do is transfer it to my spray bottle, add a few drops of Jojoba oil to provide extra comfort as i spend the entire day in Air-Conditioned environment and am good to go..
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  1. ok then..i should search for Aroma Magic Skin Toner now.. :)

  2. Zwala considering how Morning nectar broke you out, I wld suggest that you do a patch test before you apply this to your face as both contain natural ingredients that sometimes can provoke an allergic reaction.

  3. how about dabur gulabari?

  4. Tanveer,

    Can you suggest me some good brand for jojoba oil.Tried in Aromamagic...couldnt find there


  5. @ Maria: I am so sorry for the late reply. Just saw yr comment.

    I personally don't like Dabur Gulabari. Somehow it does nothing for my skin. It is just not as good as Aroma Magic.

  6. @ Vidhya: Actually I am surprised u didn't find it in Aroma Magic coz they do have one. In fact they are only branded aromatherapy oil retailers that I know of.

    There is another brand called RK's but am unsure of the quality.

    I would suggest you check out any local ayurvedic chemist - they generally stock essential oils - That is where I get all my oils from - it is cheaper too :D

  7. Thanks Thanaveer..I will check in some other health and glow stores.

    I often used to get little zits on my forehead..My T-Zone is oily and rest are normal.When I apply sun screen lotion or other moisturising forehead becomes too oily and zits looks abrupt...Any suggestions from you...

    I came across your blog only 2 days...Almost spent 2 days to read 80% of the articles...Too informative....I picked up Nivea lip balm, lotus sun screen face wash and boro plus advanced mositurising cream...

    Started using it from today...Will keep you updated on that...


  8. @ Vidhya: Yr welcome :D. Btw my name is spelt "Tanveer", not Thanaveer... LOL.

    I think you should go for a clean up to cleanse yr pores. They might be blocked with debris, which is why you break out so easily.

    Also analyse yr cleansing regime, it might not be deep cleansing enough again causing zits.

    Finally look for oil free moisturizers (eg Neutrogena) and sunscreens, that are also non-comedogenic.

    That should help you control yr zits. :D

    Let me know if this helps :D

  9. Thanks for giving about information of how to use Rose water of different skin types. I will try. Here some Beauty Tips are very helpful to you.


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