Challenge - No Make-up till I finish my current lot UPDATE 1

It has been like 10 days since I embarked on this challenge. Till now it has been pretty fine. Have not succumbed to any purchase other than

1. Lakme Cleansing Milk
2. Nivea Strawberry Lip Balm (the star fruits tinted one)

& I needed them both as I had no cleansing milk or lip balm to start with.

No make-up as you can see. It may be because I had just recently purchased a whole lot of ravishing eyeliners & lip colors from Lakme.

However, with the autumn & winter collections coming in, it will get tough. Plus I am one of those hoarders. If I really like a cosmetic (eye-liner or something) I tend to buy 2-3 pieces to stock as am always afraid that I will run out of it & by that time the company may discontinue it.

I wonder what that says about me from a psychological perspective?

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  1. haha..a 'gud foresight' may be??
    i fall in the same category as well..
    n sure..those 2 things fall under skincare/daily necessities..
    n r the eyeliners n wondering abt lakme bridal sutra range nowadays.. :)

  2. hey Zwala, I shall be putting up a post on the eyeliners & lipcolors from Lakme.. look out for it!!


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