Tips for dealing with Pigmented Lips

Pigmented lips are the number one bane for Indian women (oh well, at least they are for me. Have lost count of the number of times have bought a perfectly lovely lipstick which looks ghastly on the lips).
Pigmented lips basically means that your lips are dark in color, and can range from a berry red to honey brown. While this may sound excellent (Isn’t it great to have lips that are already colored), it is a big problem when buying lipstick shades.
ouch, this weather is killing my lips!Image by ronsho © via Flickr
If you apply too sheer coverage & the lip color shows through and interferes. Too light and your skin starts to look grey & sickly.
As a result, lip color never looks the same on your lips as it does in the bottle or on the back of your hand. What looks lovely there looks ghastly on the face, because of which a large majority of Indian women prefer to wear shades like dark brown or maroon which are intense enough to camouflage the pigmentation.
But what if like me you don’t like either of these colors? Here are some tips that can help you.
1. Use deeply pigmented thick lip glosses, like Lakme Aquashine lipcolor. They are very intensely pigmented and coat the lips in a thick layer so that the lip color does not interfere.

2. Skip the lipstick and use a sheer tinted lip balm/gloss in the same shade as your lips. For example the Nivea Cherry Lip balm & Strawberry Lip Gloss in Streetwear are just a shade darker than my lips, so for a natural/nude look I skip lipstick and just apply either on top.

3. Use a concealer/liquid foundation to tone down the lip color. Apply concealer all over lips. Pat it down using loose powder. Apply lipstick on top using a brush with light strokes. (or else you will end up rubbing out the concealer)

;4. Apply thin layer of lipstick. Dust foundation powder over them. Apply second layer of lipstick. Skip gloss.

5. Use lip tints. They stain the lips and are available in lovely pink, watermelon, cherry red shades.

6. Use a lip liner the same shade as the lipstick and fill in your entire lips with it. Then apply the lipstick on top.

7. Don’t use beige or other such soft colored lipsticks. They look like lovely English roses but trust me, I tell from experience, they make you look ghostly.

8. Be grateful that at least you don’t have colorless corpse lips.
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  1. Sigh, how many expensive lipsticks I've brought that I still have lying around untouched for the exact same reasons. It's been so bad I've practically given up on lipsticks.. I just use lip balms and glosses..they're a little safer..

  2. Same here.. I have a ton of them myself.. They look lovely on the hand & horrendous on the lips. Still haven't been able to learn hw to choose the correct shade, so have turned to tinted lip balm instead (frm Maybelline & Nivea.. at least it is cheaper..

  3. haha..i want to share my story..
    i dunno abt the present formula but..ive bought Lakme enriche lip color, some few yrs back, and after wearing it(some stawberry shade) for a week or so, my fren asked me whether i was wearing any brown lisptick...the lipstick turned my lips darker..eew..that really hurts..hahaa
    From then just hanging with lip balms..n constantly in search of lead-less lipcolors..

    n btw.ive bot Nivea star fruits n really like it... :) did u notice any slight reduction in the lip color/pigment..??i think its cos of grapeseed oil..watever..its my new morning HG Lip balm.. :)

  4. now tht u mention it Zwala, yea thr has been a slight reduction in pigment. Rather my lips have become quite pinkish.. Good observations babes.. It is my HG lip balm too!! which 1 did u get? cherry or strawberry? planning to get strawberry now..

  5. Ive got the strawberry one...
    n obviously, i wud get cherry,as well..and some 2-3 more to stack up everywhere..haha..

  6. Ha Ha.. yr just like me. I too am stacking up on Nivea like a beaver. If there is a shortage in the mrkt i guess we might be blamed for it :p

  7. I have also heard of another trick..though have nvr tried it.It seems that u can use white lip pencil to outline d lips n then spread n blend it all over ur lips.Kinda lik d concealer trick...:-}

  8. @ Simran: Yea, u can do tht as well :).. though i have given up now & use tinted lip balms or matt lip liners as lipstick base

  9. I can really identify with that!! The number of lippies I have just because they look so good in the tube and on the back of my hand is surefire workaround is a thick concealer, and a great HG lipliner.


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