make up & zodiac signs - sagittarius

While travel is an ever-present longing for Sagittarians, on a day-to-day basis this translates to a need for freedom, an intolerance for constraints and habits. You're a Mutable Fire Sign, meaning you're not only creative and innovative but highly flexible and adaptable to change -- in fact, you love change and see it as an exciting challenge.

So, when it comes to your beauty routine, Sagittarius, you travel light, ready for the next adventure. Cosmetics that don't fit in your backpack, fannypack, purse or coat pocket just get left behind; all you really need is sunscreen and lip balm to protect you from the elements and perhaps a personalized essential oil to keep you fresh during your travels.

If you do decide to pretty yourself up for the evening, you'd do well to call attention to your honest, intelligent eyes and your graceful gait. You move purposefully, and you're comfortable mingling in a crowd. Bare your midriff if possible or hang your pants low on your hips -- Sagittarius rules this area of the body, so you should show it off.

Your beauty comes from your spontaneous, open mind, your endless ideas and thirst for adventure, and your intelligent sense of humor. You are at your most beautiful when you grab life with both hands, your spirit flush with a vibrant life force that shines through and invigorates those around you.

Best color: Teal (Ocean Greenish Blue)
This color will enhance wisdom and optimism. Wear it while traveling or exploring. It promotes tolerance and understanding and is useful in dealing with others who have alternative points of view.

Teal looks very good as 
1. Nail paint
2. Eyeshadow, especially if it has shimmer.

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  1. Heyyy....I had left a comment long back..don't know where it went..anyways it went like this:

    Its close to me...don't hav much patience for an everyday make up routine..

  2. @ Simran: Must have been some software issue.. I know, this is quite like you. The only things I have seen you carry on a trip are generally just a lip gloss.


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