Bioglow Deep Nourishing Moisturizing Cream with Royal Jelly and Lavender Extracts - A Review

I chanced upon this moisturizer on my regular trip to Afla (Irla ā€“ Vile Parle (W)). I asked the attendant for cold cream. He showed me this. I was tempted, 500ml for 100Rs. How bad could it be. I purchased it.
I bought the Lavender & Royal Jelly Version.

Read on for what happened next.

What the company claimed: 

Bioglow Deep Nourishing Moisturizing Cream with Royal Jelly Lavender Extracts:
Royal Jelly extract is considered an energy tonic and it's principle nutrient is Pantothenic acid also known as Vitamin B5. Bio-Glow Lavender extract is known to enhance skin texture and promote healing of damaged skin cells. Deep nourishing moisturizing cream is specially formulated to help relieve skin fatigue, increase skin strength and hence increase skin resistance to skin cells damage. Massage bioglow deep nourishing moisturizing cream generously to treat damaged or very hard and parched skin especially on the feet, heels, hands and elbows.
ā€¢ Non-greasy / Instantly absorbed
ā€¢ Neutral Ph
ā€¢ Vitamin A , E & B5
ā€¢ Ideal for all skin types
ā€¢ Ideal as a base for makeup.

What Really Happened: This is the best oil-free moisturizerā€¦ ever.

1. Completely non-greasy, it actually just sinks into the skin in a matter of a minute, and leaves a completely non-greasy finish. It is very difficult to tell that you have applied anything on the face
2. Non-comodogenic: I have been using it for 2 weeks now and it has not broken me out at all.
3. Highly moisturizing: my skin is actually feels better to the touch
4. Very economical: a 500 ml jar costs only 100 Rs.
5. Not sure if it is really neutral (donā€™t have pH paper strips at home, used them all up doing silly experiments) but it never stings or burns when applied. Always very soothing.
6. The pack is sealed, so no contamination. 

1. I just cannot find anything on this from the net. It seems to be a mysterious product. Other than that it has been imported from the UAE, I canā€™t find out anything else.
2. The smell of lavender is quite intense and can be a little overpowering.
3. I am not sure if it has a lot of Royal Jelly or Lavender extracts as they appear quite below on the ingredient list. The first 5 ingredients are all synthetic (water, glycerin, petrolatum)

Will I buy this again: Oh yea! I just loved this. It absorbs instantly. Is a perfect base to make-up. Imparts no oiliness. But keeps skin soft, and yea I love the bargain. A huge 500 ml jar for just 100 bucks. I bought a jar for my mom & my hubby and they both are converts now and recommending it to all. Now only if I could locate where this comes from and fix up a regular supply.

Other formulations: By the way this is also available in the following formulations
Bio Glow Cool Moisturizer with Cucumber & Avocado (I have, but I hate its smell. But this is lighter than the Lavender one in texture)

Bio Glow Brightening and Clarifying moisturizer with Papaya Extracts (I really like this one.. not sure if it brightens but it sure smells delicious)

Bioglow AEB5: (have this too, yea I went on a mad spree and stocked up in case of emergency.. tht is why I call myself a make-up & skin-care junkie)
Vitamins are essential to human skin in numerous ways. Vitamins are natural regulators. Bio-Glow Advanced Formula intensive moisturising cream is specially formulated with generous amounts of Vitamin E, A and B5 to help you restore natural skin balance, resist pre-mature skin ageing and formation of unsightly wrinkles, prevent keratinization of skin, protect skin from effects of daily pollution and effects of UV radiation, inhibit damage to lipid peroxides and melanin deposition and promote expulsion of free radicals.

Bioglow Tea Tree & Lemon Extracts: (Donā€™t have thisā€¦ yet)
Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial agent known for its antiseptic healing properties. Lemon extract is an invigorating citrus extract for uplifting the senses and toning the skin. Essential oils of Tea tree and lemon extracts are selected for this effective gel formulations designed to combat the effects of skin fatigue and loss of moisture that results in skin feeling and looking tired, lifeless and susceptible to damage by the effects of pollution, sun rays and modern lifestyle of over indulgence.

Bioglow Natural Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E & Aloe Vera: (Donā€™t have this either)
Cocoa butter nourishes the skin with its balmy properties, protecting it against roughness and dryness. Aloe Vera & Vitamin E provides UV protection, skin conditioning & moisturising. Enriched with the beneficial properties of natural Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E and Aloe Vera, Bio glow Moisturising & Nourishing Cocoa Butter is an intensive skin cream which moisturises, smoothes and protects. It provides relief from extra dry skin, it nourishes and protects the skin.

If any of you have tried this, please, please, pretty please do share some details. I am very curious.


  1. Bio Glow? Herbal? or jst a random brand? Review was superb and thanks for the sweet comments, tanvi :)

  2. Oh! never heard about it. Would ask the attendedent this time I go shopping.

  3. @Divija: The brand is totally random. That is exactly what is it called - Bio Glow. It is made in the UAE. Thks for the appreciation!! :D Makes my day

  4. @ Rati: U will find it in Alfa 1 (the main store)

  5. Hi

    I live and reside in the United Arab Emirates and I also bought a jar (lavender/vit E+ Royal jelly the purple one) from a discount Hyper market store here in Dubai, was very impressed as I was initially quite sceptical being only 5 Dhirhams! side effects and all..for quite a big jar its great value for money!!, Royal Jelly is anti-aging,with anti-oxidents, amino acids for healthier skin, which cannot be synthetically re-produced, giving a youthful appearance hence it states for wrinkle skin. If you havn't already found a supplier I will research for you a lot of LLC trading companies are agents/suppliers here in (Dubai) being a business gateway, anyways which part of India are you based, I can buy in bulk and ship to India if this is where you are from that is? My husband is owner of LLC General trading company here hence the suggestion. Would like to get in touch please forward your email or number?


    A Khan

  6. @A Khan: Thank you so much for yr offer, but I don't plan to get into this business of importing creams or retailing them here as of now.

  7. Hi again

    No worries, it was just a suggestion. The manufacturer is based in England, UK I am from the UK there so will get in touch for a regular supply for India & Pakistan. This cream is excellent, although has 5x parabens to preserve the product which is the only downside I suppose.

  8. I've just bought the same accroos a counter in Pune, though here it costed me Rs.220 for a promotional pack of 500ml. I've justed started using this will let you know my experience in some days. Would appreciate if you could suggest where to buy it from pune. Thanks for your reviws gave me confidence to use the product.

  9. Hi Tanvi, I am also very much satisifed with Bio Glow product. I hava papa moisturizer. Read my review for this one here along with other moisturizers.:

    I am gonna try your buy soon.


  10. @Anon: Hey! Glad to be of help :).. Do let me know if you are liking it. I wldn't know where it is available in Pune - coz I have only been there once untill now - that too just for 2 days.

    @Shoppaholic: I love the way Papaya smells! I will def read yr review. thks for sharing the link. I hope u enjoy it :D

  11. Hey I'm a Sri Lankan,I'v used Bio glow papaya,cucumber,royal jelly and primrose.I love them all,but I like papaya the best,it has a lovely smell & absorbs pretty fast.I'v introduced it 2 my hubby an my friends,they all love it.I 1st got hold of it in Delhi,I loved the product as well as it's price:)

  12. i have d cocoa butter 1..n jus loveeee it..instantly gets absorebd in my skin...n smells normal...keeps moisturised for a longg tym...

  13. i live in Uganda I really love the cream but can't find it any where can any one help? i got it once used it and when it was finished i started searching for it but I can't seem to find it anywhere not even in the store where i bought it. My skin has rejected any other products even the ones with almost similar ingredients. Help please!

  14. please let me know from where do i get all the bio glow products. my email id is Its very urgent.

  15. hey tanvi....
    can u tell me which bioglow moisturizer is best....

  16. hi, I'm a Srilankan. I was looking for a lotion with sun screen. I came across bio glow lavender lotion. It was good since it moisturized my skin. however, i could not find any fairness effects on that and i could not check whether it works as a sun screen as i hardly go in sun. Later i started using coco butter lotion , i like it too as its moisturizing properties are very high.. and it quickly absorbs in to skin which i truly like. and the smell too. so far i have applied it over the body except on the face.. thinking whether to apply it on face in night.. have anyone tried ?

  17. Hi All, Can any one tell me where can we buy this bio glow products in Bangalore. I am desperately waiting for your reply.

  18. Hi ALL,

    Can any one of you tell me, where can i buy the bio glow products in bangalore. I am desperately willing to buy this product.


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