The Body Shop - Facial Buffer - A Review

What it claims: A gentle exfoliating sponge to polish your skin, while cleansing, leaving it feel refreshed and looking radiant. Use daily for a gentle skin boost. Particularly good for use on dry skin that needs to be exfoliated regularly. Use every morning or evening to help remove dead skin cells. Suitable for all skin types.

How to use: Wet buffer thoroughly. Apply a small amount of cleansing foam to the wet Facial Buffer and rub over the face in circular movements.Rinse thoroughly, by hand, after use and hang to dry


1. Does really exfoliate well. As you can see from the pic above, this thing has serrated edges all over that mechanically exfoliate. Can be combined with your favourite face wash/gel/soap to provide good cleansing & exfoliation
2. Provides a nice morning massage. I have noticed that I actually feel more fresh and awake after using this in the morning.
3. I am now using lesser quantity of face wash, as compared to earlier as this tends to foam up the face wash a lot. Maybe i was just using too much earlier.

1. Needs to washed and sundried every week
2. If you are not careful while using this, you will end up harming your skin.

Price: Rs. 149/-

Will I buy this again: I certainly hope this will last me a year or two at least before I buy this again.

I am on the fence for this. While I can see that buffer really does a good job of exfoliating, it is also very very easy to go overboard & end up with inflammed skin. You have to apply, like, no pressure at all and use this very very lightly, with butter fingers. (in case it is not still clear how light the pressure should be, think of how much pressure you would need to pass a knife through liquid butter, and then halve that pressure when using this).

I have a gut feeling that this could be very well be substituted with a slightly rough cotton wash cloth also, only it just won't be this glamorous (He He)

Also I have another gut feeling (this product is sure making me a lot more intuitive) that maybe this could also be coupled with a rich moisturizing cream to take your exfoliation session up by a few notches. Like a mini, really micro derma-abrasion at home. Will let you guys know after I try this thing out.

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  1. I just bought this last week and actually I found it a bit rough for the face. I haven't used it even once because of the scare of getting scratches on my face. lol!

    Let me try this atleast once nw. :P

  2. wow..those gut thoughts really are brilliant..
    its true..

    and this exfoliator seems softer??like a puff?? by the way..can we go on with it like everyday..??

  3. tanvi, is it something similar to exfoliating mittens out there? great review, hun ;)

  4. @ Rati: It can be rough if used even with the slightest bit of pressure. But I have been using it for a week now and have seen my skin improve quite a bit!

  5. @ Belle: It seems soft but it is not soft. You can use it everyday but only if you are gonna apply like no pressure at all. The surface of this is not smooth, it has serrated lines going all along and can be rough and damaging if used wrongly..

  6. @ Thanks Divija! :D

    Dunno about the mittens thing you have mentioned.. Have never used those.

  7. Okay..I get the point.. :)

  8. Lavanya Narayanan28 March 2010 at 23:53

    Hey Tanveer,

    Did you try the buffer with the moisturising cream ?:)

  9. @Lavanya: No, I didn't try it with the cream.. Frankly after using it for more than a month I have fallen in love with this prdt and have been using it with face wash only.

    Did u get this from your trip? Did you like it?

  10. hey promised to buy atleast one beauty product every month...i have purchased the buffer this month... :)

  11. @Priyanka: So cool! let me know if this helps u. I am addicted to this now :D

  12. Tany , I got this after reading your review and whoa It works ! I am sooo HAPPY :)


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