Back from Goa!

Location of Goa in India's mapImage by via Flickr
Hey Ppl !!

Sorry for the sudden absence. Went scooting off for a 3 day trip to Goa. Which was great, btw.

Came back to a whole lot of posts to catch up on. Will be reading & commenting in the coming few days :)

Goa was terribly hot this time (34 degree C in Mid - Jan?!!?). Very sunny. Very Humid. None of my make - up would stay put, so I finally gave up and stuck to using only a smudge proof eyeliner and a red lip tint. Nothing else would stay put.

I had rented a bike for the trip, and despite my best efforts (sunglasses, caps, scarfs) ended up tanning my arms quite badly. (My legs though are looking quite nice with the tan)

My face too got sun burnt (I did use sunscreen!). As a result I have red patches on my cheeks and my face is looking un-clean (like there is a layer of sand on it still). Except around my eyes where i wore huge 70's sunglasses. So I am walking around looking funny - with white circles around my eyes!

Luckily I carried my cold cream with me, and that helped a lot in preventing flaking of the skin due to the sun burn.

Now back to Mumbai, I will have to slowly nurse my skin back to normalacy. I am planning to do the following to deal with the skin:

1. Carry a spray bottle of rose water and use every two hours to pull down the inflammation
2. Use Vitamin C serum at night
3. Use cold cream to beat the flakes
4. Use the face buffer to remove dead flaky skin

I hope that this simple regime helps. Any suggestions?
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  1. Shld have tried using MoM-I've heard its an excellent primer,planning to try it soon.
    A repeat of Kerala-guess u'll be using a curd on ur face now!!!

  2. Oh wow! Goa is one place I can go again and again. The best part is is I can wear all my teeny meeny clothes there without getting bothered about anything. :P

    No matter what you do, I wonder whether anyone can come back from goa sans tanning. I used loads of dahi and lemon mixture to de-tan myself and it worked well for me.

    I am travelling most of this month from now on. HOpe to blog soon. :)

  3. How fun!! I miss the weather in India right now!

  4. OH she is back! how r u, darling

    missed u a lot, heres a warm HUG......:)

  5. @ Simran: In Goa the make-up comes off because of sweat and not oil - I think MoM stops oil - it won't stop you feeling hot & sweating :)

  6. @ Rati: I know!! I love tht about Goa myself. This was my first visit and i was very amazed and delighted to see the kind freedom women enjoy thr. Amazing :D

    Looking forwrd to your posts :D

  7. @ Jamillia: It is very cold in India in the north - one of the worst cold waves... & Very hot here in Goa & Mumbai :D

  8. @ Divs: Warm Hugs to u too Babes!! :D :D

  9. Just returned from a exciting trip from GOA..and as expected am carrying a dark complexion so much that my mom had a hard time recognizing me ( just kidding :), mommy always recognizes her kid no matter what!).. and so the verdict is that i need to de-tan myself so as to look myself.

    While browsing, got some of these home remedies...sharing it for the benefit of the readers.

    1. To one tablespoon of cucumber juice stir in a few drops of lime juice and a dash of turmeric

    powder. Mix well and apply over your face and neck. Leave it on for half an hour and then remove

    with ordinary tap water. This lotion makes an excellent whitener for all types of skin.

    2. Tomatoes cut in half and rubbed over the face are useful for toning up and whitening the

    skin, and refining pores.

    3. Soak four almonds at night. Peel off the skin and grind them very fine. Now mix 1 ½ teaspoons

    of gram flour,one teaspoonof fresh unboiled milk and four drops of lime juice. Make a paste and

    apply it evenly on the face, Leave it for 15 minutes then massage gently till it comes off.

    Finally rinse face with warm water and then splash cold water.

    4. Massage the face with fresh coconut water every morning for about 10 minutes.

    5. For dark and dull complexion: Mix a teaspoon of gram flour with a pinch of turmeric powder, a

    few drops of lime juice, ½ teaspoon of olive oil and milk and apply on our face. Leave for 30

    minutes. Wash off with water.

    6. To whiten skin, cut slices of raw potato ( do not peel it) and keep it in cold water for a

    few minutes. Then rub these slices over your face, neck and hands.

    7. Reverse an empty milk bag, insert your hand in it as in a glove.Rub gently the creamy side on

    face, neck and forearms. Leave it for a while and then follow it with a hot water bath. It works

    as excellent skin softener *** whitener specially in winter and free of cost.

    Other than wait you can try these home remedies for clearing this tan.

    # Use sandalwood power for removing sun tan, make a paste of curd, turmeric, sandalwood power,

    and some drop of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply on your face and neck, wash after 15

    minutes. you can use it every day.

    # Mix cucumber juice and honey and apply on your all the open area of your body, like arms and

    foot. this will soothe the redness of sun tan.

    These remedies can give you a little dry skin so use a good moisturizer afterward is advisable.

    Some of the natural ways are given below which will really help you:
    1. Apply butter milk using cotton.
    2. Make a paste of haldi and apply on effected areas.
    3. Apply mustard oil.
    4. Take out juice of potato, apply and wash after 20 minutes.
    5. Apply aloe vera gel.
    6. Mix honey and milk and apply
    7. Apply tomato juice
    8. Make a paste of papaya and apply on the area, wash it after 30 minutes.
    9. Make a mixture of barley, turmeric powder and yogurt apply on the affected areas.
    10. Take used tea bags refrigerate them and apply

    P.S: Nice blog!


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