The Body Shop - Body Butter Update

I was at TBS this weekend. I sampled their Strawberry BB - It smelled divine, like freshly crushed strawberries. I wanted to pick up a small tub of the same, but was told that TBS has stopped selling smaller versions of BB in all types as they have "reduced" the prices on their products.

I left without the product. I didn't want to pay 700 bucks for a huge tub that never seems to get over. I tend to prefer smaller sizes of all products as they are easier to store and get over before they get spoiled.

Besides I have a very fleeting attention span, I cannot imagine using one product for the next one year - I prefer a little variety in my life.

What about you? Do you too prefer smaller sizes like me or are you the more the merrier type?


  1. I have really dry skin, and this gets worse in winters. I love the big size tubs of BB..have the mango version right now, and use it up also pretty soon. I wait for sales and buy them. About every 3 months I find some body butter on sale. Like right now, the cocoa butter range is on sale at 20% off.

  2. You know Tanveer, the climate in Bangalore is such that you skin remains dry almost throughout the year. So even if I get a big tub of the BB, it works fine for me. So, other than the initial trial tubs I bought from TBS, I generally buy the big ones.

    But as far as I remember, they do have chottu tubs for body butters..I had the Passion Fruit and olive in that size.

  3. Small- unless I really lov the product then I hoard it- LOL!!
    Bt me too likes to try out in small packages first, infact I get suspicious if they don't hav smaller sizes!!

  4. I like every thing in bigger size and quantity except my body and for that I always eat in small bowls and cook in small pans.:)

  5. Hey Tanveer!!!

    Small Jar definately so can use try different stuff ..except maybe really like himani boroplus moisturiser would want in a bigger size ...


  6. I definitely look out for smaller packaging when I am starting out with any new stuff

  7. I prefer the bigger jar coz I use A LOT each time, but I'd still prefer it if they still sold the smaller ones too.. hehe


  8. Hey T,sounds great..smaller tubs for sure...change is good hehe

  9. If I am trying the product for the first time then definately its the smaller packaging I go for. If I am re-buying something then depending on how much I tend to use & how much I like something...If I am buying something I really like & knw wouldnt mind using till its over or I am getting a good deal on the bigger packaging then thats it....

    TBS Body Butters are soo yummy I wouldnt mind buying the bigger jars ;)


  10. I prefer smaller sizes too because I can just easily toss it in my bag :) Along with other stuff, it is really not convenient to bring big bottles or big tubs with you.

  11. Hey T, all's fine? hurry up and update your blog :)

  12. Hey Tanveer,

    I agree, for new products that i havent tried, i prefer samples or smaller packs. Especially if the original packs are too huge and expensive. If you really love a product and cant get enough of it, then i guess a larger tub or pack makes sense. I am guilty of using smaller sizes for almost all beauty products - limited attention span :)Anamika,


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