Leisure Time

A Host, of Golden DaffodilsImage by HocusFocusClick via Flickr
Not related to Makeup or Skin Care. :-D

This is a poem I first read when I was in the fourth standard - and somehow it stuck a deep chord in me even back then. Maybe I had an inkling of the times to come - board exams after board exams, entrance exams, projects, classes, timetables and now work.

Each time I read this poem it stirs me deeply and reminds me to take a break and just stare at the light blue sky if not for me, for my soul at least. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do .


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

By Wm. Henry Davies.
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  1. This poem is a food for thought:)

  2. @Anamika: I don't think there is a poem that typifies the modern urban life in India more than this - esp for Mumbai - that is always running and chasing around the clock :)

  3. Its so weird how at times the most insane things strikes a cord and remains with you forever right ?:)and at times we have to strive so hard to remember certain things

  4. Just goes to show, better get busy doing the small stuff cos that's what will stay with us :-)

  5. Such a relevant poem for todays world..

  6. You are right...When i was a kid I use to hear about Mumbai hectic life but never knew that one day Delhi will follow the same:(

  7. @VO: I know, I guess somethings just strike a chord within you, and no matter how hard you try - they stay on with you :)

    @Rads & Poornima: I know! & to think this was written years ago and either the poet had an idea of things to come, or life was just as tough then :)

  8. I remember learning 5this poem- I had loved it too!!!I miss reading poems!!

  9. oh god i love this poem! it's one of the few poems that i remember.. i love the line "and stare as long as sheep and cows".. :D
    it was part of my class four syllabus too!


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