Moisturiser Buying Guide

There are so many facial moisturizers on the market these days. Every brand worth his or her salt makes one. They range from inexpensive over-the-counter creams and lotions to high-priced department store anti-aging serums

Choosing a Moisturizer

1. Choosing a moisturizer has a lot to do with personal taste, but more so with skin type and age.

2. You don't need to spend a lot on a facial moisturizer unless you want to. Don’t let prices fool you - ingredients are the best indicator of quality, not price.

Quick Tips

• Products slowly lose their efficacy once being opened or being exposed to sunlight.

• Light diffusing or tinted moisturizers are great for low-maintenance daily use in place of foundation since they help even out the skin tone without adding another step to your beauty routine. Try Ponds Tinted Moisturiser (my personal favourite) or Biotique Tinted Moisturiser

Skin Type

All facial moisturizers come labeled for a certain type of skin: regular, dry, oily or combination.

Remember that certain ingredients in one product might be better suited for your skin even if they are labeled for a skin type other than your own.

Dry or Sensitive Skin / Normal Skin

Ingredients -- Alpha hydroxies, antioxidants, vitamin E, aloe vera, shea butter, sweet almond oil, etc.

Sun Protection -- When choosing UV protection, get sunblock rather than sunscreen since it contains essential nutrients such as zinc and titanium, which are especially helpful for those with sensitive, dry skin.

Products to try

o For day: Biotique Tinted Moistuiser (with SPF 30), Aromamagic Almond Moisturising Lotion, Khadi Rose & Aloe Vera Moisturising Cream, Biotique Morning Nectar (one of my favourite day time lotions)

o For night: Ponds Cold Cream, Jergens Face Cream, Biotique Wheatgerm Cream

o Extra Moisture: Aromamagic Essential Oil blend for dry skin. (Review coming up - I mix this with a lighter day time lotion to fortify the skin for night), The Body Shop Vit E Serum.

Acne-Prone or Oily Skin

• Oil-free moisturizers and non-comodegenic lotion.

Ingredients -- Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, retinoids,

Sun Protection – Try moisturizers that contain SPF to help eliminate an extra (pore-clogging) step in your routine. SPF is also extremely important to use in conjunction with acne medications because they usually increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun.

Products to try

o For day: Neutrogena Oil Free SPF 15, Neutrogena for Combination Skin

o Lightweight: Biotique Chorolophyll Gel

o Economical: Bioglow’s range of moisturisers (It costs Rs. 100 for a 500ml jar - can't get cheaper than this and they are totally shine & oil free)

What is your favourite moisturiser at the moment for your skin type?


  1. I was curious abt Bioglow so I googled it and it brought me right back to your blog :)...You seem to find all these economical brands that actually work! unfortunately i can rarely find these ones :(

  2. I am currently using Ponds TM and Biotique Morning Nectar.

    Would love to try Neutrogena and Biotique TM next :-)

    Very informative post Tanvi.

  3. Tanz this is really informative...Now that you keep writing about Neutrogena products I will have to give it a try:)

  4. I never bothered oh-so much abt ingredients until I started my blog :) Now, I regret blogging! I am such a lzy bug to read my labels :)

    ur post is as encyclopedic as always, dear :)

  5. Thanks for this info!!I am using neutrogena at the moment..
    nice post!!

  6. Hey Tanveer,

    Nice post ... Just using Neutrogena sunblock for the day as of now..need to shop for the night thinking ponds age miracle night cream...What say ?


  7. Blossom Kochhar almond moisturising lotion. It's a heavy lotion, keeps my dry skin in place :)

  8. I am using the Fab India Clove cream these days , quite likin it :)

  9. hi tanveer...nice post...i have a combinational skin which often become dry in winters. I have tried neutrogena products but they seems v hard to my skin.I m too tempted to use almond moisturiser of aroma magic? shud I?


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