How to do Makeup if you wear Glasses

Good Morning People,

Tiny Post right now.

I read a really good article on how to do make up if you wear glasses and thought of sharing it with you guys. The article has great tips that will be useful to all girls with glasses, even though the products mentioned are not available here, there are plenty of color tips, so that no one can now say

"No one makes passes to girls who wear glasses"

To read the article go here

& if you are a glassy girl, do share any make up tips & tricks that you have found useful.

Happy Reading!


  1. Goodness those glasses!! I used to wear glasses ages back. Nobody would have made a pass at me then - with or without makeup - and that had nothing to do with the glasses :P

  2. This is great Tanveer....Nice article:)

  3. I'm sure the article will be pretty useful to all girlies who wear glasses.

  4. That was a nice article- very useful for ppl with is quite tricky to do eye make-up with glasses...shld focus more on other parts like lips and cheek..

  5. Tanveer, if you don't mind - can I do a post about make up with glasses as well? I've been wearing them since I was ten and I have lots to share!

  6. @Rads: LOL, come on.. i am sure someone must have made a pass at u, u mustn't have worn yr glasses then, so u must have missed it :D :D

    @Anamika & Yuvna: Thks :)

    @Simran: I hope u found it useful!

    @Ki: Sure! :D


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