The Body Shop Rounded Handle Facial Brush - Review

What it claims: Best if you want to: Get a more radiant complexion with a soft-bristle face brush that gently loosens dead skin cells and impurities while stimulating the circulation.

Suitable For: All Skin Types


  • Fits neatly in the palm of your hand for maximum control. 
  • The soft bristles are made from nylon and 100% vegetarian. 

Splash warm water onto the face and neck and apply your cleansing product. Gently massage into the skin, using the face brush, in small circular movements, then rinse with warm water.
Price: Rs. 250/-
1. A little bigger than a one rupee coin, this brush is a very strong exfoliator. It does really get all the dead cells off and my skin glows each time I use this. Skin feels smooth & soft.
2. It comes with a clear plastic cover that fits tight and helps cover the brush and keep dirt away if you are travelling with the brush.
3. This brush is a very good exfoliator on areas like feet and elbows.
4. Easy to clean and maintain: A wash in hot, soapy water keeps it clean.
1. The bristles are a little harsh to begin with and do not soften over time with use. Those with sensitive skin might not like it. Plus I don't think this can be used daily, unlike its sibling the Facial Buffer. I used it max twice a week. That too only on the forehead, nose and chin. This feels too hard on the cheeks.
2. While it does come with a plastic cover, the very cover prevents the brush from drying by trapping humidity inside as it has no holes to get air through. Therefore I use the cover as a stand for the brush, I stand the brush on its handle so that the bristles are exposed to air.
Will I repurchase: No. For two reasons - one is I liked the facial buffer from TBS much more, secondly I hope this will last at least 2 years.
Although this nifty brush did a very good job at exfoliating my face, even better than the buffer, it is very easy to go overboard with this and maybe be a little too harsh. I have been using this for a month & a half now on a bi-weekly basis and have not had any problems yet. But just to be on the safe side I would stick to my facial buffer. 
Body Shop's Facial Buffer is just as hard to begin with but it gets softer over time. Plus it can be easily used on the entire face and cheek area, from day 1.
CAUTION: When using this please don't get over enthusiastic and brush your skin, like you brush your teeth. You have to use negligible pressure with this product and it works just as great.
Also do not use either this or the facial buffer around the eye area.


  1. My skin is not sensitive at all and I try almost all the things on it...It seems the brush is just not meant for sensitive skin but I have seen this that any product or brush which is meant for removind dead skin needs time to get smooth...

    Even body shop bathing gloves were like that..I had difficult time using them once or twice but later on I started loving them...

    Thanks for a great review..I visit body shop recently but didnt notice it.

  2. sounds cool.
    I will be checking this out :)

  3. I bght the facial buffer after reading your review and really liking it but I think I will give this a miss as it looks to be much more harshier than the facial buffer


  4. @Sarah: which is why I got it in the first place :D

    @Anamika: I too was expecting this to soften over time like the gloves & buffer. But nothing happened. It is just as stiff & harsh as on day 1. :(

    @Palak: I hope u like it :)

    @HD: Glad u r liking the facial buffer. I think since you already have that you can easily give this a miss :)

  5. I wanted to try this..thanks for the review..though am still not able to decide between the two..might just end up with both!!

  6. This brush looks like a perfume bottle at the outset........and i like ur Caution comment"don't get over enthusiastic and brush your skin, like you brush your teeth"...LOL

  7. Oh My!! I am gonna buy it.. Also the buffer too. I cracked up when you said "like you brush your teeth". lol.


  8. It looks rather cute!!! Very chic for a brush!!

  9. Glad you did the review. It is sute that i was getting tempted to buy this. Now I won't. Thank you. :)

  10. Yup I found the bristles of this too hard as well. Maybe its better to use it as a manicure brush? :D


  11. Hey Tanveer...great fact i bought the facial buffer after reading your review...and i simply love it!!Thanx!

  12. @Rads: U can try them out at the store.. Do share with us which one u pick!

    @Yuvna: Thks a lot :D :D..

    @Shoppingaholic: Do let us know which u like better from the two! :D :D

    @Simran: Yea it looks super cute, also it is really tiny, that just adds to the appeal :D

    @Rati: I remember you found the buffer very harsh, I don't think u wld like this a lot :D

    @CZ: I agree! I think it is very good for manicures & pedicures!

    @priyanka: Glad yr loving the facial buffer & that it's working out for you.. I love it too! :D :D

  13. oh! didnt know body shop has this too..i thought only loreal carried something similar..i always use scrub only but would like to try this one too..may be once a fortnight would be a good enough use. Thanks for sharing :)


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