If I have.... My Rush Routine

Life these days is very hectic. Unless one is off to a party, one does not have the luxury to spend 30 minutes on make up. I generally prioritise my make up depending on how minutes I have before I have to rush outta the home to catch my bus.

After my bath, I take 2 minutes to set my hair & apply a body spray (both are essential, I would rather go without make up than skip these), after this,

If I have.... (I call this my Rush Routine)

less than 30 seconds: I just run. Apply tinted lip balm once I reach office.

30 seconds: I just grab the mascara tube and leave. I apply mascara once I get to office

1 minute: Apply mascara & leave. Tinted lip balm on way.

2 minutes: Tinted moisturiser & mascara. Apply tinted lip balm on way to office.

3 minutes: Tinted moisturiser (TM), cream blush & mascara. Lip balm stays in purse and by now you know the routine

5 minutes: TM, cream blush, eye liner & mascara.

7 minutes: TM, cream blush, eye liner, lip gloss & mascara

It ends here, I rarely get more than 7 minutes to do my make up for office, and these are rare days.

Most of my time when applying makeup is wasted in looking for liners and gloss that compliment my outfit. This is not the case with mascara (which is always black for me) and cream blush (always a soft pink for office).

So what's your Rush Routine? What is the one product you absolutely need?


  1. i am always in the less than 30 sec routine, never had the luxury of 7 mins :(

  2. @Retnu: Awww.. Most days I manage between 2 to 3 minutes. So I always have mascara & cream blush on. I feel that these two products make the most difference to my face and my overall skin appearance.

  3. It does not matter how early I get up.Its always a rush for me.And Im glad if I have done my buttons properly.But I keep my moisturizer and lip balm in the bathroom and apply it as soon as I wash my face.

  4. I always get up at least an hour and a half (ideally - if not, at the very, very least an hour) before I have to leave. Makeup is essential to my overall confidence when going out during the day :) Mostly because I have sensitive, slightly problem skin so it's taking time for mineral makeup application is important. Looking forward to the days wherein I can just confidently go with mascara!

  5. Totally loved your post!!!

  6. Hey, thanks or the comments on my blog...
    my rush routine...i have a dark circle issue so i find it impossible to step out without a concealer ever since iv discovered the M.A.C concealer (its worth investing in!!). Apart from that,kajal and lip gloss...

  7. moisturizer, kajal and blush on - these are three most essential for me..mascara etc only if i have time :)


  8. nice post. But I'm so slow. There is NO WAY I could do makeup in 30 seconds :(

  9. TM, lipstick and kajal is my most rushed routine!

  10. @Tanveer: Do tell us the exact brands and products you use!

  11. My rush routine is of Kajal and toner and a moisturizer..generally this is my routine ..

    Thank u so much for letting me know about the comment thing Tanz..

    few words for you ..check it out when u have the time


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  13. hey i required a suggestion, since i trust your views on cosmetics, i wanted to know, can you suggest me a decent moisturiser and blush for oily skin, i have oily skin, but donot want a matte look either, like a bit of shimmer, i work in a semiformal organization.....too many questions, answer it at your own convenience dear

  14. My rushed routine is TM, Kajal & Mascara. Lip Balm or Lip gloss while driving to work. However I am not having any rushed routine crises. I get about 10 mins to get ready before I leave for work:)


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