Yay! My hair is in fashion..

After years of struggling to get my fine, frizzy hair to lie down and gather some volume on top; there is now a reason for me to not do it. Apparently it is in fashion now to have hair that looks a little bit frizzy and messy. Check it out here

I, for one, am most pleased and I hope this hair style stays in fashion for a long, long time.


  1. finally people like us get some recognition ;)

  2. hee hee then I too am blessed. no need to blow dry or iron. straight from the shower & out into the world!! :D

  3. haha...I love my laziness...now no need to be smart..haha

  4. me too hav straight hair n i lovee dem..!!

  5. Ha Ha...:)i wish even thin fashion goes out and so that we can munch on everything:P

  6. i have fine frizzy hair, but they are curly so theres quite a bit of bounce...
    btw, i gave u a blog award !

  7. Ha ha! My hair is also frizzy but wavy too..not a good combination, I would say!!
    I gave you a sunshine award,check it out here...


  8. @Retnu: I know! Enough with the curly heads & silky straight hair.. It's time for the frizzies!

    @IMW: Yea, I think a lot of women will save a number of hours every week were this to come into fashion

    @Rakshanda: :D

    @Bhumika: It must be nice to have hair that is naturally straight :)

    @Anamika: :D.. Wise words from a wise she :)

    @mehak: Thks for the award Mehak, i'll check it out :)

    @Srish: Thks for the award. Will chk out yrs too :)


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