Reader Query: Skin that Glows.

Hey Tanveer,

I'm getting married in the last week of december.

Although I have a fair skin tone with only a few breakouts here n there, the problem is that it lacks glow. Im hoping for much better skin for my wedding ceremony.

Do you have any suggestions that could make my skin healthier and give it a natural glow? I also suffer from the problem of dark circles which look worse due to my skin tone.

I know make-up can help tremendously, but i would prefer an actual glow to the one induced by make up.

I hope you can gimme some tips on this. Also, I would love to know how to apply light make up which looks natural for the various functions and parties coming up.


Dear Jia, first of all congrats on your wedding.

For skin that glows, I would recommend that you visit a dermatologist. S/he will be able to suggest the best products for you after having examined your skin. In the mean while here are just some general suggestions for you:

1.   Since you have not mentioned your skin type (seems like oily, but I am not sure) I won’t be recommending any specific products, just start using The Body Shop Facial Buffer with a face wash suits you well.  This will help exfoliate dead cells & prevent acne
2.   Continue using a good moisturizer – day & night to keep skin hydrated at times
3.   You can even start using a toner like rosewater to help hydrate the skin. Just spritz on your face before applying moisturiser
4.   For your dark circles, you can try either L’oreal or Ponds age miracle under eye cream
5.   Once a week either apply a face pack of honey & lemon juice or else plain curd.
6.   If you have a lot of blackheads/whiteheads then get a clean up done at the salon every 5 weeks. If this is not possible, then at home, exfoliate your skin and follow up with a face pack that suits you.
7.   Eat healthy homecooked food, fresh fruits, nuts & exercise regularly. This is the most important step of all, skip this and you are unlikely to have glowing skin.

As for light makeup,

1.   Use a concleaor to cover all acne marks & dark circles
2.   Apply loose power or compact on top to set the concealor
3.   Use a simple shimmery dark brown eyeshadow all over the lid, follow up with waterproof black / brown eyeliner on both top and bottom lashline and mascara
4.   Use a simple peach-pink blush on your cheeks
5.   Apply lipstick/lip gloss of your choice.

Any tips for Jia to help her get that glow in her skin?


  1. You have given very nice face mask which can help Jia is Gram flour pack..1 Table spoon gram flour with a pinch of turmeric powder, 1/4 spoon milk cream and 3/4 drops of lemon juice mix with fresh milk(not boiled) apply on your face for 20 min and wipe it...for me it's the best face pack...hope it'll be helpful.

  2. Hi Tanveer, you say that your skin is mother has dry skin which becomes very dry in winter...give me some suggestion which is helpful for your skin in winter..I really want to know your view dear...because I know it'll work.

  3. masoor dal soaked overnight in milk n peanuts pack wud give dat glow...
    n blossom kocchar almond cream wud help for dark circles..

  4. if u have oily or dry skin use lot of vaseline on your body at night or in morning..i did this in my marriage and soon my skin started having good glow..with this like Tanz said scrubbing is really important:)

  5. @Rakshanda: Thks for sharing that lovely face pack method, I am sure Jia will find it useful :)

    Yea, I have dry skin & below is my regime in winters. I hope it helps your mom:

    Facewash: Either Himalaya gentle cream facewash, Neutrogena gentle cream cleanser or Lush Angels on Bare Skin (I love this the best). I avoid soap at all costs and wash my face only once a day in the evening when I have removed my makeup. In the morning I just wash my face with water and wipe it dry.

    Night Moisturizer: I use very thick moisturizers like cold creams, I like using either Jergens or Ponds cold cream or even Fab India Vit E cream. I apply a thick layer and massage it in. Biotique Wheatgerm cream is another favourite. Sometimes my skin flakes despite using these creams – I use pure coconut or sesame oil then directly on the face.

    Day moisturizer: I use Biotique Morning Nectar Lotion. I reapply this 2-3 times a day. Basically any light lotion that suits your mom’s skin will do. The point is to reapply often to counteract water loss. I also find Biotique Tinted Moisturiser good for winters as it is quite heavy & moisturizing.

    Once a week I apply a mixture of Honey & lemon, I find that really softens my skin.

    That’s about it. The emphasis during winters for me is to ensure that my skin is ODed on Moisturizers because once it starts to flake it gets a little painful.

  6. Thank you soooooooo are such a sweet friend...your tips will really work for my mom..I'm sure about it..thanks again and take care.

  7. hey i dont have anything new to offer but amazing tips tanveer

  8. These are good tips. If Jia's skin is oily, then a cream for the eyes may not be a great idea. I too have oily skin & I use aroma magic under eye gel. If you use it twice a day, it'll get rid of dark circles & it's really light & non-sticky.

  9. @Bhumika: Thks for the face pack tip. I actually did try Aroma magic almond under eye cream, but it didn't work for me :(... hence I didn't mention it here.. It does seem to work for others so it might work for Jia :)

    @Anamika: Thks for the lovely tip! It is so simple & easy :)

    @IMW: Thks :)

  10. @Poohkie: I personally don't advocate under eye gels because of this thing I had read in Vogue. A top dermatologist had advised against using gels as he said that gels over time are resistant to breakdown and tend to deposit themselves under the eyes causing eyebags - he was a surgeon and he claimed that most of the women who came to him for under eye surgery were avid users of under eye gel. Now I don't know if this is true or not, but just to be safe I don't advice using under eye gel to readers who pose queries to me. :)

    You can read more here:

  11. aww thank you so much for the tips. :)
    i have combination skin so have to be pretty careful since i dont wanna dry it up or make it greasier lol
    but i think visiting a dermatologist should be a good idea
    i'll also try the other face packs that have been suggested here
    thanks :)

  12. Good tips Tanveer! I have one more.......mix 2 parts olive oil with 1 part sugar and massage this scrub gently on your face for a few minutes. Do it twice a week and this gives you a nice glow.

  13. OMG!!!I had no idea. Will read up on that.


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