Yellow Eyeliner Anyone?

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I read this really interesting post on the latest makeup trends of 2011. It seems makeup this year is going to get really bright! I like, I like..

For starters yellow/orange eyeliners seem to be the latest trend, as are fuchsia lips. I personally think yellow eyeliners aren't really new to a lot of us Indian who use a lot of gold in our traditional eye makeup in any case. So what we use is a metallic version of yellow - but yellow nonetheless.

Orange eyeliners I have seen in the past in Lokhandwala stores, they are said to look awesome against blue eye, but I can totally see brown eyed girls carrying it off with equal panache, perhaps a touch of bronze to it will make it more wearable for us Indians.

But I'm loving this new bright trend a lot. Seems like it is time to get Revlon Colorburst in Fuchsia :)

What do you think?

To read the post I am refering to go here


  1. revlon colorburst is fuchsia is a MUST HAVE shade tanveer! go grab it now! it will look stunning on you too.
    we indians do use a lot of bronze and gold, don't we. these shades really compliment out skintone a lot. i don't think i'll ever wear stark, crayon-like yellow/orange liners, but i do like the metallic versions. never say never!

  2. Oh nice! I might get to use my Nyx yellow eyeliner that came free with my haul :P


  3. Nice post Tanveer! I was at the store today and was almost about to buy Revlon Colorburst in 'Fuchsia' but on second thoughts did not. Now I'm wishing I had!


  4. I dont know if i would wear orange/ yellow but the fuschia one sounds very interesting tanveer !. Btw, love yr comment moderation policy !

  5. Ooh, interesting stuff for the eyes..wonder if yellow or orange tones would suit someone like me with wheatish skintone... I have a pallet from Coastal Scents which has these 2 colours but I'm clueless as to how to use them:( Checking out the link now!

  6. yellow liner!!! i can see tht in editorials but not on the streets... but then again, if we can wear gold, why not yellow?

  7. I have a jewel copper from lakme and it just looks neon orange on my eyes. although I wouldnt mind wearing orange because I noticed it looks quite nice neon orange is something OTT for me. :)

  8. Wow, good to know about this info. I always wanted to wear orange as my makeup. Now I have a reason to try it. :D

  9. Would like to try this-- but will I get weird looks from people?! :-P

  10. I finally got the gold liner I was looking for :) and seems got it at the right time :D

  11. i am all for colorful liners :) will try yellow its not too hard isnt it ?? :)

  12. the eyeliner concept looks good.but i dont think i can carry off yellow

  13. i am not quite confident about myself with yellow and orange, sigh :(


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