Green Eyeliners - Comparison & Swatches

Hey Gals,

I know, I have been MIA for a few days. Things are just little hectic right now. Hopefully I will be able to resume regular blogging soon enough..

I thought I would share with you guys, a few swatches & comparisons of the green eyeliners that I have.

In Shade: From L to R : Colorbar I define in Moss Green , Bourjois Duochrome in Vert Dore no 61, Jordana Glitterama, Lakme Henna Gold, Revlon Magic Eyeliner in Smoky Green, Colorbar I glide in Jaded, Chambor in jade & Bourjois Duochrome in Noir Emeraude no 57

From L to R: Colorbar I define in Moss Green , Bourjois Duochrome in Vert Dore no 61, Jordana Glitterama, Lakme Henna Gold, Revlon Magic Eyeliner in Smoky Green, Colorbar I glide in Jaded, Chambor in jade & Bourjois Duochrome in Noir Emeraude no 57

From L to R: Colorbar I define in Moss Green , Bourjois Duochrome in Vert Dore no 61, Jordana Glitterama, Lakme Henna Gold, Revlon Magic Eyeliner in Smoky Green, Colorbar I glide in Jaded, Chambor in jade & Bourjois Duochrome in Noir Emeraude no 57

From L to R: Lakme Henna Gold, Revlon Magic Eyeliner in Smoky Green, Colorbar I glide in Jaded, Chambor in jade & Bourjois Duochrome in Noir Emeraude no 57

From L to R : Colorbar I define in Moss Green , Bourjois Duochrome in Vert Dore no 61, Jordana in Glitterama, Lakme Henna Gold, Revlon Magic Eyeliner in Smoky Green & Colorbar I glide in Jaded

Which are your favorite green eyeliners?


  1. hey tanveer good collection :)I too have colorbar moss green and absolutely love it

  2. these many!! i told u wen i see eye pencils i thnk of you!!

  3. Hi :)
    You have an amazing collection!
    I loved the colorbar one in Jaded

  4. Bourjois ones look really moss green too!!!

  5. I always love green. Planning to get an I-glide one. Its such a beautiful color

  6. those are some great greens u got there. love all of em!

  7. Amazing collection T. I like the jade green ones


  8. Amazing, I loved the Colorbar I define in Moss Green and Jordana Glitterama in particular! Keep such posts coming up :)

  9. I hav heena gold and jaded...moss green n glitterama r soo pretty !! Ur collection is fab..

  10. Colorbar Jaded is the prettiest shade :)

  11. Wowww love all!! Such pretty shades <3

  12. i love them all, got a couple of them :) your choice of colors drives me wild... i am so very tempted to get them all :D :P thanks for the swatches :)

  13. Tanveer, I'm amazed at the range of green eye liners you have. :-) I liked the Bourjois.. it's the most "true green" of the lot I think.

  14. Wow if this is your green eyeliner horde I wonder what the rest of it looks like.Loving the colorbar one's.

  15. Awesome collection. I love the colorbar jaded one :)

  16. I love the bourjois one. Its kinda similar to MAC Ivy fluidline (I love it so much)

  17. Colorbar moss green is really nice. I am yet to try this brand, will buy one asap.

    I have a revlon green eye pencil, that looks nice too and is v smooth. Will review sometime!

  18. lovely collection tanz :)
    which one is ur fav ?? i mean from 1 - 5 ???


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