Aroma Magic Papaya Enzyme Lotion - Review

Sounds exotic right? Papaya Enzyme lotion..

What it claims: Please refer to image above.

Price: Rs. 160 for 220 ml bottle

What I didn't like: 

1. The name is misleading, this is not a lotion. This is a watery clear solution - the consistency is like that of water. It also looks like water.

2. The smell is very bland - I was hoping it would smell little fruity as it has papaya, apple & lemon in it.

3. I have been using this for 3 months now. I don't think this has helped reduce brown spots.

4. Usage is little tricky coz of it's consistency - you can't use this as a regular lotion as it just flows off the skin. I use it the way one uses a toner - dampen a cotton pad and gently wipe entire face.

What I did like

1. Think of this as toner & not as a lotion - it is really nice as a toner. It leaves the skin clean but doesn't dry it out.

2. It does cut through grease. I generally use this to wipe my face after I take off my makeup with Lush BabyFace (which is essentially just solid oil) - it very effectively removes the oil from my face.

3. Doesn't irritate eyes or the skin.

Would I re-purchase: To use as a daily use toner, yes. I like using this as a toner as it doesn't irritate my skin or dry it out. Most toners tend to irritate my skin (I guess it is the cooling menthol or alcohol in them), but not this one. I only think it is labelled incorrectly as it not a lotion at all. 


  1. Nice review. I have never tried anything from this brand. Now, your reviews makes me think if I should give this a try. As for toners, Himalaya one worked great for me

  2. great review. you are so innovative...using it as a toner :) me too come up with a lot of tricks if a product doesnt suit me/ work for me. thanks :)

  3. usuaully aroma magic have good products like mineral scrub and all...but this toner is hiding behind the name of a lotion...LOL!

  4. i have the same thing with me and i agree with u completely. its a good toner and i love the cooling effect.

  5. it has extracts of apple in fruity ...would have loved using it :)

  6. I feel Aroma magic products are heavily scented & products with heavy scents don't work for me, I'm scared to try their range. Thanks for the review :-)

  7. If I would buy this product it would be to help me with the spot but since it fails to do so I'll skip it.Aroma Magic does have a lot of good products but unfortunately don't live up to the claims they make.Sure one or two of them are met but the rest seem more marketing gimmicks than anything else.

  8. So if you use it as toner, you need to follow it up with moisturiser? You said it didn't dry out your skin, though.

  9. lovely review
    im your new follower love your blog do check out mine too and follow if you like :)

  10. I've used this when I was doing a course in Pivot Point. It is very watery. Didn't help my dark spots either


  11. hey i have tagged u. check it out


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