Happy Holi :)

Hey Gals,

Wish you all a very happy holi!

I've been MIA for a few days, it will stay so till Thursday :).. I have been travelling & have come home just for holi :)

Btw, on a side note, every year, we are told to apply oil on our skin to save it from color - but I always noticed that the oil somehow made the color even more resistant to washing. Last year when I applied coconut oil, I had to wash my face 5 times to take off the color. This year, I went bareface - 2 washes with a normal facewash is all it took to be squeaky clean. :)


  1. Good to hear you are back in action, was wondering why no fresh posts from your side.. enjoy your trip

  2. Happy Holi to you too Tanveer. You pointed out something which made me thoughtful. i fact certain colors are there which work well only with oils. So, if I put on oils before, and if someone puts on those colors it would be hard to remove. But I have seen, my hair responds well to the oiling thing

  3. OMG I totally agree with what you're saying. Oil makes it harder to wash off the holi color.
    I take care of my hair a lot a while before holi every year. Oiling and steaming become a regular ritual so that holi doesn't have a lot of affect on my hair. It keeps my hair moisturized and soft and the holi damage is easier to repair :)

    mishka =]

  4. I have always read about oiling your body and hair to get rid of the colours during holi. Never tried this earlier and always ended up with traces of colours post holi. This time, determined to try things out, i applied Johnson baby oil all over hands, legs and feet, inspite of an oily skin. trust me it doesnt look oily and the colour just washes off. on face i tried Lacto Calamine in generous quantity and it did the trick.


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