Summer Makeup Routine

Sunny spaceImage by Ahmed Zahid via Flickr
Here comes the Summer's Sun 
He burns my skin....
- Summer Son by Texas (yea, I changed the lyrics to go with the post)

Summer has arrived a little early here in Mumbai, by 15th of March it was swelter season on full blast. The humidity doesn't help either.

Necessaries a change in makeup routine, right?

My day time makeup routine has simplified into:

1. I wash my face with Lush Fresh Farmacy, & then slap on some sunscreen
2. Apply a bright lipstick, but as a tint - which means either dab on with fingers or apply and blot using tissue
3. Apply brown waterproof mascara

I'm done. If I'm in the mood - I'll dab on some Lakme Kiss of a Rose Cheek Artist & & some eyeliner.

I find it too hot to be bothered with eyeshadows, foundation & loose powder during the day. During the night I just replace the blush with Colorbar blush in Cinnabar - which makes a very nice bronzer for me.

I'm gonna stick with bright lipsticks to tide me over this summer. I'm also planning to give MAC Fix + a try soon.

How are you guys keeping it fresh during this sweltering summer?  

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Great post!! You have some nice tips here :D

  2. I use tinted moisturiser more than foundation..go out with coral lipstick and bronzer...if in hurry then just mascara and chapstick:)

  3. Tinted moisturizer, kohl, bright lip gloss.
    Eyeshadows are being stocked away, unless there is a big function. Im experimenting with a lot of bright vivid eyeliners though...

  4. ya TM for me too..n jus a tinted lip blam and khol..sumtyms a lippie at night and light blush..

  5. I love the idea of using bright lip colors they will instantly add color to the face without the added burden of makeup.I'd also use a kajal since I can't step out of house without one :)

  6. Great post! Suncreen, compact, blush, kajal (Colorbar I-glide/Liquiud liner) and lippies. Thats all. :P

  7. i just avoid foundations in summer...i'm from Delhi and the summers are too bad if you are outdoors like me!! i stick to loose powder, lipstick and eyeliner ( and occasional touch ups)

  8. Thanks for tis post Tanveer :D I use olay or aloe gel from lotus lipbalm and mascara..:):)

  9. thats a good one tanveer.I am sticking to concealer(neeeed it) loose powder on a primed face ...mascara and kohl (very thin )and lipstick (fab fig in revlon).

  10. My summer is so different from India's I guess just stocking up on sunscreen and lots of green eyeshadow, eyeliner, powder foundation and lipgloss.

  11. how can i forget blush? Lots of MAC Coppertone, Gingerly, Peaches, Peachtwist to be used :P

  12. this is so true. its so insanely hot to wear foundation and all the works. its best to keep it simple and protect ur skin from sun!

  13. The list makes me feel so light and fresh to enjoy the summer.. nice one Tanveer :) Waiting for your say on Mac Fix +


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