Beauty and the Bullshit

I must share this with you, girls! Head over to this blog called Beauty and the Bullshit.

Written by a girl who actually works in the cosmetic industry, she gives a shocking peek into what really goes on in these cosmetic companies. She not only helps us decipher what through the senseless claims of companies (like "Ophthalmologically tested" - what does that really mean?) & why do our favourite products get discontinued.

Honestly, I was a little shocked when I read it. But then these companies are here to mint money & if we as consumers get fooled, it is only up to us to educate ourselves.

In fact that was one of the reasons I started to write this blog, way back in 2008. I got sick & tired of our Indian companies taking us for granted, shipping us sub-standard stuff at exorbitant rates. There was no voice of the consumer. No one letting the companies know that you need to give us our money's worth.

Today there are a lot of blogs, people write for their own motives. Some people write just for free products, they start a blog & go begging contacting companies for freebies, writing positive reviews in order to ensure that they continue to receive the brand's patronage. They judge their success upon the parameter of how many brands contact them & the freebies they get. Each to his or her own, whatever makes them happy.

But there are also some bloggers who are still honest, their earnestness & passion for makeup reflects in their blogs & their priority will always be their readers. It is these bloggers , I believe, who will make an impact in the long run & change the way cosmetic companies treat you as a consumer. Beauty and the Bullshit is one of those.

Thanks for reading!


  1. BRILLLIANT Blog !!! What a fresh look at beauty, honest and non oooh-aaahhs kind..thanks for posting this T !

  2. i just loved reading her blog :) and i m sure soon there will be a big change in companies attitude :)

  3. wonderful post, and i hope all the bloggers follow this

  4. Its an eye-opener Tanveer. Nice blog you recommended...

  5. This is why I love your blog...not only do you yourself give such unbiased opinions, you introduce us readers to brand new ideas and views. A big Thank you for cutting out the **** from makeup and beauty!

  6. that was awesome Tanz :D :D i loved it and the blog and am confused as well ...
    to count me in bullshit or passionate about beauty blogging .....

  7. "Some people write just for free products, they start a blog & go begging contacting companies for freebies, writing positive reviews in order to ensure that they continue to receive the brand's patronage. They judge their success upon the parameter of how many brands contact them & the freebies they get. Each to his or her own, whatever makes them happy."
    I have been saying that since centuries :P So annoying and even more annoying when you seen 10000 others blogs like such spring up.

  8. great thought!! honestly though i would not mind a few freebies (never got any), but what i really wanted was to bring in a little more consumer awareness through my blog..that;s why wrote those tanishq/ colorbar posts along with sharing my good experiences..customer care has a long long way to go here in india, which is rather unfortunate!! and this is how we can voice our opinion..

  9. very informative and honest. thanks :)

  10. Thank u for the intro Tanveer..I m reading her blog now..Excellent!!

    And yeah..guess "Success" has become more important in this field than honesty..well!

    Kudos to you for keeping up a genuine blog like this :)

  11. There is hype and hoopla around beauty industry since it was created . There has always been voices, scientific opinions etc cautioning people...but who listens and more importantly understands.There are people who just don't want to hear contradictory facts or opinions !

  12. totally loved the blog, the wit , insanity , the honesty.. thanks tanveer

  13. Thanks for the introduction T. I love that blog now!

    Ya, a lot of BS going around. Some downright pathetic. No, I won't mention names ;)


  14. Heads up to this post :) Great one Tanveer :)

  15. Will chck it out.. Thanks!


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