Mac Lip Prep + Prime - Preview

After a long time, a product has excited me enough to do a preview. I have been blogging for 2 years now, & to the point of sounding immodest, I had begun to think that I had pretty much seen it all - textures, features.

To top it all, I always though primers were meant for oily eyelids, and for some oily faces. Primers for lips? What's that? I thought lip balm sufficed. Yea, it never worked that great though. It would invariably cause the lipstick to bleed & fade faster - no matter what balm I used.

Lipsticks have always been a problem area for me, they never last longer than 4 hours, plus I have very pigmented lips - it took a me a long time to figure out that certain lip colors look fab against my hand but awful on my lips. Plus I never seemed to be able to duplicate that sharp edge of lip color that I saw models sport.

A few days ago, I heard about this primer, for the lips! Imagine my shock, I had no idea such a product existed. But it did, in MAC Land. It promises to make my lipstick last longer, look better. I was sold.

I am really excited about it. Will follow up with a review in 2 weeks :)

Have you guys used this? Or anything like this? 
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Waiting for the review!! It looks great :D

  2. Seriously I haven't heard of anything like this. Wish it helps the pigment lips.. Waiting for your review Tanz :)

  3. Okay...dude pls give us the inside scoop soon./ it a MAC gimmick(i hope not), or a game changer for girls like us with pigmented lips...

  4. never used it. waiting for the review!

  5. A few days ago I saw an eye primer too! While it does seem to be a gimmick by the makeup companies, would love to know if these things really make a difference! I, for one, am still not convinced about face primer. :-)

  6. Same prob as u..lippie needs touch up every 3 hrs, and its not really possible to keep doing tht. But hav u to help me out wid shades!!
    This sounds nice!


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