Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum :)

Spotted forms of Aloe vera are sometimes known...Image via Wikipedia
After a lot of trial & error, I am happy to share that most of my boils due to Molluscum Contagiosum have (almost) gone. I thought I would share the treatment I used, here on the blog, as it might help someone.
1.      Go to a dermatologist. One of the easiest way of treating these is manual extraction of the viral cores / boils. Sounds scary? I too was scared, & I’ll be honest – it does hurt a bit & the boils tend to bleed. If like me you have them on your face – then it might be a sad sight for about 2 days. Post that the boils heal – and don’t leave any scars what so ever. Do this on a day off, so that you don’t have to step out of the house for the rest of the day.

2.      Aloe Vera gel helps. A lot. It helps the extracted boils heal faster & also soothes the itching. (this virus is related to the chicken pox virus), at times the boils itch a lot. But don’t overdo the gel application. Once at night time is enough. Too much & it will dry out your skin.

3.      Use Betadine Surgical Scrub to wash your face once a day – for about a week post extraction. This is a medical anti-viral & anti-bacterial wash that can help prevent secondary bacterial infection as well as help control the viral infection. It does tend to be very drying, so after the one week, I now use this every alternate day only.

4.      Neem capsules. This was recommended by a dear friend to me. She had suggested I incorporate neem in some form. Since neem juice is very bitter, I got the capsules instead. Have they helped? Well, I haven’t got any new boils in the last 3 weeks. I guess they do help.

5.      The body shop BB cream – no this didn’t help the boils go away, but it did a brilliant job of concealing the redness / inflammation on my face post the extraction.  The fact that I looked better with this on, made me feel better too.  I will be doing a review of this in a few days.

6.      Keep your immunity high – this basically meant I had to stay away from liquor, getting wet in the rains, outside uncooked food, stress, basically anything that might have the potential to lower your immunity. Resolution of this infection depends a great deal on your body’s ability to fight it.
7.  Use a good moisturiser. The betadine along with antibiotic creams will tend to dry out your skin making it look flaky & worse. I turned to my old favourite Biotique Morning Nectar during the day & Body Shop Hemp Face protector during night.
I hope this helps!
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  1. hey glad u getting better and almost healed :)

  2. Nice to know that you are cured now. Thanks for sharing these tips, anyone might need them. Also waiting for the review of the body shop bb cream. Thanks :)

  3. Hey Tanveer, its so nice that you are rid of the boils, but manual extraction sounds so scary....

    Looking forward to your review on BB cream..

  4. Glad your skin has healed Tanveer. Did you end up throwing out a lot of makeup?

  5. Happy to know that you are better!

  6. good post tanveer.....bodyshop bb cream not available here yet!!!

  7. Hey so glad to hear that your skin's healing well.Take care :)

  8. Oh, so that is MC u mentioned in my blog! lol...ok. Aww...they must be a pain to treat. Glad they are healing. Good that you use aloe's the best



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