ATB Beauty Notes on Cleansing

This is a new feature - ATB Beauty Notes. Everyday as I browse through books on skin care & makeup, I come across some interesting nugget of information, that I would like to share you all.

We'll kick start this series with a note on Cleansing that I read in The Body Shop Book By Anita Roddick.

"To the uninitiated dirt is dirt, the end of a hard day's work. In fact it is a mixture of sebum, dead skin cells, dirt, dust, salt & urea produced by sweat, bacteria and makeup. Without thorough cleansing it would take about 25 days for this mess to wear off, never mind the additional dirt that has built up over the period."

25 days! That is why it is so important to clean that face after you come back home in evening.

Do you make it a point a cleanse every evening? I do, I almost never go to sleep without cleaning my face.

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  1. Love this feature Tanz! I come home and use Lakme After Sun Face Wash or My Lotus herbals face wash everyday...Once a while i use Natures Co coffee face scrub. But definitely clean everydys!

  2. 25 days! That's a long time...
    These days I have started using J&J baby wipes to wipe off the grime of the day as soon as I enter the house. Then at night before bed, I use a face-wash to completely clean my skin.

  3. OOOoooo...will read these tips evryday!!!
    I use aroma therapy exfol gel..will make it a pt. to use it daily now...
    P.S. 25 days?!! OMG!!

  4. Wow, you're on a blogging spree! Yup, cleansing is a must-- I cleanse twice a day, sometimes more.

  5. this feature z gr8 tanveer..been a silent reader of this blog since few months but felt like commenting now...i really like ur blog

  6. Umm lol I have a very strange philosophy on cleansing. If I'm not wearing any make-up, I don't cleanse. I just let my skin be (although I have to say, it is a very new routine). But there is something about cleansing. If there is anything better than being all made up, it is taking it all off.

  7. this feature looks great.even i cant go to sleep without cleansing my face. brushing my teeth and cleansing the face twice a day is a must!

  8. Very helpful feature Tanz.... me follow CTM routine everyday before going to bed

  9. this feature rocks...:) and i some time do go to bed without cleansing but only on the days when i have not used any makeup.:)

  10. hey guyz !
    i religiuosly follow the CTM routine ..mornig n at night :)


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