Methods of Application for Aromatherapy Oils

Continuing with our Sunday Aromatherapy posts, Essential oils (EO) can be used in a number of ways - each method best suited for particular problems.

Below are some of the commonly used methods.

1. Massage

Dispense the essential oil (7 to 10 drops) in 25 ml of carrier oil (coconut, almond, sesame, olive oil). This method can be used for both physical & psychological problems. It is good for muscular fatigue, aching, nervous tension & anxiety. Massage employees touch - which in itself has a lot of therapeutic benefit.

2. Ointments & Creams: 

Add 5 to 20 drops in a 50 gm jar of cream. Personally I prefer to make not more than 2-3 applications worth at a time. I store the remaining cream in the fridge until further use. This method is useful when dealing with respiratory illness (use like you would use vicks vaporub), painful joints. For skin use, add not more than 5 drops to 50 gm cream base.

3. Compress: 

Add 3-5 drops of oil in 600 ml bowl of hot or cold water. Place cloth / cotton in water and wring dry. Apply to affected area for 5 mins. Repeat as needed. Hot compresses are best used for joint pains or cramps, cold compresses for burns or swellings.

4. Steam Inhalation:

My small EO collection
Add 2-3 drops of the EO to 600 ml bowl of boiled water. Drape a towel over the head & breathe. Steam for 1-2 minutes only at a stretch & repeat 2-4 times. This is very effective for respiratory complaints.

5. Bath

Add 4-6 drops to a bucket of very warm water. Stir vigorously to ensure dispersal. This method is best used if you have a bathing tub as a good soak is most beneficial. If using for infants (below 3 yrs, use only 1 drop). This is a good way to relax, beneficial for sore muscles. For insomnia, bath in oils such as lavender or orange in the evening.

6. Vaporisation: 

Add 5 - 20 drops in a burner or dish (containing water) or to an diffuser (candle or electric). This is best for mood enhancement or for disinfecting the air.

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  1. thanks..i really needed it :)

  2. Informative post Tanveer!!!

  3. Thank you, great post. I have always been very interested in essential oils.

  4. ur collection looks fab !!

  5. The post is so useful .As of now , I have only 2 essential oil , oriflame tea tree and BK Lavender . I personally love lavender , use it in my calamine and rice powder scrub :D

  6. wow, you have a great collection... :)

  7. Soo many essential oils :)
    I love the Jasmine essential oil by Aroma Magic.. i put a few drops while having bath..the bathroom smells heavenly :)

  8. SMALL ??? okay i got it Tanz :( :( :( ....
    me tooooo want want want .....

  9. Jokes apart ...the post is really useful Tanz :D :D would love to try out each and every possible way with ONLY 2 EO I have :( :( :(

  10. This is a great article, thank you for posting. You have a wonderful blog and I will definitly be back to read more. I wish you all the luck in the world with it (although I am sure you do not need it).

    All the best,

  11. this is such an informative post, thank you for writing it


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