ATB Beauty Notes: The Sunscreen Smokescreen - Guide to sunscreens

Ever feel baffled on how much why you still tan/burn despite using sunscreen? Does all that research on sunscreen put you off, coz you don't have the patience to go through ten thousand words.

Check out this really cool post here. It visually collates & explains all the reseach done till date on sunscreens. It is a very handy guide & I'm thinking of taking a print & pining it up in my scrap book :)

I hope you all find it useful!


  1. Thanks tanveer the website really had a fab collection of info on sunscreen and so easily explained :)

  2. wow...thanks a lot...I have been searching since quite long how much one should apply for adequate protection and wasn't sure on the two finger rule but it seems that's right though neutrogena also makes my skin super oily if I apply that much :(

  3. That is a SUPER informative article there. ANd its all diagrammatic and stuff so easy to understand!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing T

  4. great post...v easy to understand n visually appealing

    M hosting an international giveaway.Take a look might interest you. :)

  5. I read that on bee's blog before n found it awesome too..:)

  6. I liked the article. It was really good & amazing too.


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