Happy Karvachauth - what's your plan?

Hey Gals!

Wish you all a very happy Karvachauth. I'm really excited this time as KC's on a weekend - I don't have to suffer in office all day while people around me eat.

Hubby is fasting as well, he always does it with me every year.

But I'm excited about today, I'm going shopping now to MAC
Planning to get a lipstick. Either Hot Tahiti or Fast Play or Capricious or Gem of Roses. Let's see.

Then I head off for My Friend Pinto - I hope to God it is good, it has been getting bad reviews left, right, centre & I booked tickets a while back. *fingers crossed*

Then it is back home to a snooze fest & then some sajna - savarna for evening.

It has been just thunderstorms & heavy rain in Mumbai since last 3 days in the evening. I hope it doesn't happen again today or it might get really late for dinner. :-(

So what are your plans? And also do you like this new layout? Let me know!! :-D

Image from google


  1. Happy Karva Chauth Tanveer! Same pinch I'm glad KC is on weekend :)My menu for the day is exactly same for me some MAC in the afternoon and sajna-savarna in the evening! He he Have a great day :)

  2. Hiya!! I am just too hungry and as MAC store is quite far from my place with so much of crowd i will visit them on weekend :)

    Happy Karwa chauth :)

  3. @IBC: So what did you get? I got Hot Tahiti lipstick & the brush cleanser. :D

    @Anamika: I can understand, I am very hungry too :D

  4. Cool layout. :-)

    So how did your fast go? My cousins and aunts didn't see the moon at all!

  5. happy karvachauth n dont forget to show us ur fotd tanveer!!!n awww ur hubby is soo sweet

  6. Hey Tanveer hope ur KC went well :D I like tis layout :) SO which MAC lippie did u get :)

  7. @SC: Neither did I :(... I finally gave up at 11 pm & broke my fast

    @Pavani Reddy: I will!! Once my lappie is repaired :D

    @Shweta: Thanks! I got Hot Tahiti :D


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