Blogger has Threaded Comments!!

Fellow "Blogger" bloggers would have noticed - blogger now has threaded comments!!

Which basically means replies are now made directly below the main comments.

I know I have been terribly lazy in replying to comments since a few months - primarily because of the sucky comment feature that blogger had.

But since I found out about this yesterday, I have been sitting and replying to all your comments. It'll take me a few days but I have decided to get this done first. I feel it is important. I'm starting with the most recent posts and then moving back.

I know that some of you may have even forgotten what you wrote on a particular post - and I understand if you wouldn't want to revisit it again. I'm cool. No issues, I took forever to reply, so I get it :)

I just wanted to let you know about it - that's all.

Thanks a lot for sticking around, reading & commenting on my posts - I really appreciate that you take out the time & make the effort to do so.

P.S: A big shout out to fellow bloggers & readers on twitter with whom I chatted yesterday. It was great fun, Y'all! In case you wanna follow me, my twitter handle is TheaSelene


  1. hii! have been on twitter since a couple of months..but realized only test that theaselene was u! :p BTW: who is thea..thot u were tanveer :p

    1. Even I did not know that! I thought it someone random who followed:O

      @Tanveer, this threaded system takes longer to load and for some reason, I can see the option to reply before I see the space for new comment but I have already switched to intensedebate which is better, as of now.

    2. Thea is my twitter alter ego :D LOL

      Emm - This is a new system, so it will take time to settle down. But I'm sticking with this for now :D

  2. its not "test" its yest..stupid pc keeps auto correcting..also suggests i shud write ur name as "tan veer" instead of tanveer...dumb pc

  3. Awesome!!
    Its always great fun reading ur posts!!! :D

    1. Thanks Sims - it's great to have you around :D

  4. I know, I noticed that yesterday! Very happy for the blogger bunch :)

    1. Thanks Shivani!! Yup, you were the first to use it too :D

      I'm so happy blogger is doing something, I used to feel so bad when other beauty bloggers wld rave about wordpress like it was the best invention since primer portions. And we bloggers had like the most basic minimal features - almost pre-historic compared to them. I hope Google gets it act together now.

  5. This is awesome na... :) replying to comments and having a conversation is so much easier if you have threads :)

    1. I know!! I used to get so bored scrolling up and down when replying, attaching @ to all names. I wonder why it took them so long? But nonetheless, it is here :D

    2. yay yay yay love the new feature :) am all thrilled and excited.. hehehehhe...

  6. thats awesomeeee Tanz :D :D .... i dont know anybody but i use to keep coming back and see you replied to me or not :(
    dont feel bad but you know the answer ...

    and now I the happiest person around especially for ATB :D :D

    thank you so much blogger for doing this and thank you tanz :D :D

  7. Thank god for threaded comments, I didn't notice this till you mentioned and yes the old comment feature was so annoying, guess I too will be more regular in replying to comments now!

  8. Damn it...what a time to move to wordpress haha!!! its like jale me namak chidakna but this is so awesome.. its a pain in blogger to reply to comments

  9. Google have done us a huge favor but like always the system is full of bugs.Been trying it for a couple of days but I keep coming up with zilch, the reply button refuses to reply!


Post a Comment

Hey! Thank you for taking the time out to add your valuable comment. I will revert as soon as possible.


I delete blatant self-promotion and comments where it is clear the post material was not carefully read. If you are not going to bother to engage with the post, I am not going to bother posting your comment.

I also delete ALL comments with links - even if the link is to your blog.

Don't be mean to other commentators - it serves no purpose other than showcase your own personality in a bad light.