Makeup @ Home?

No, I'm not talking about just wearing makeup and vegging in front of the TV.

I'm talking about when you have friends / relatives over. When it is a planned visit that you know about - you get out of your grey well worn slouchy track pants & get in to better looking clothes, maybe comb your hair as well into a neat pony.

But what do you do about makeup?

I know that most girls would go the whole hog when they have a prospective groom or the boyfriend's parents coming over.

I tend to wash my face well and get some lip balm on. That's about it. Anything else & it looks like too much effort for the host, I feel. It is after all your house & one should feel comfortable.

And when I am going over to someone else's home then I'll replace the lip balm with a natural looking lipstick and some Tinted Moisturizer.

But if I am going over for dinner then I tend to apply some matt neutral brown eyeliner / eye shadow as well as there tends to be a high possibility that one might go out to a restaurant. I generally skip mascara, highlighters, sparkly blushes & eye shadows as all this tends to look really tacky under the glare of a tube light.

What about you? When your cousins / friends are coming over, what makeup do you do? 

Also when you are visiting your cousins or your friends at their home, do you wear makeup then?


  1. ooohh nice.. i am a through and through makeup girl... i have kajal, eye liner and a nude lippy always on any time of the day :P so when people come over i just put on a tinge of blush :) is that too much? ;)

    1. Ummm, that is a nice way to finish off makeup.. I mean as it is it takes forever to get over. Wearing it at home might be a good option. And I guess if you are comfortable in it - it is perfect :D

  2. I will wear lipstick and kajal... no matter who decides to visit!!! Depending on how much time I had, the rest would follow!!! But this post really made me think!!! I think people should wear makeup, irrespective of the location... depending on how much they require it!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. I wish everyone felt as strongly as you do Suhani! I was in a training today & there were 7 lady participants in my class but not one of them was wearing a bit of makeup. It was almost like they just didn't care about themselves :(

  3. HEHEHE ...Same as you ..wash face v well n apply lip balm .. :)

  4. I am the laziest person around when I am home. So, nothing when people are visiting me. But I do wear my makeup when I am going over. I tend to match the occasion.

    1. Same here Nive, but now I am thinking - if I wear makeup at home it may get over faster = more makeup that I can buy :D

  5. I am so you.. I dont wear makeup when someone is visiting, while going out it depends on the occasion :)

    1. Join the lazy club... Riddhi, Nive & me already sitting there, w/o makeup to greet you :D LOL!

  6. i wear makeup... the amount depends on the occasion... but generally i go with a nude lippi (maybelline color sensational my myhogany) and a tinted moisturizer (ponds)

  7. Same 2 same..only lip balm..sometimes not evn tht :P
    whn I'm going to some1's place its usually jst a balm or a lippie..max maybe an eyeliner too...
    great post!! :))

  8. nice post :)
    nahhh..eyeliner and tinted lipgloss is most!

    1. Thanks Mehak :)

      It just seems weird to me to dress up @ home, becoz the home the place to the relax.. not makeup :P

  9. Kohl & Lip gloss are an absolute must come hail, rain ,sunshine or guests! My Mom-in-law is super thrilled to see me all bedecked and so when meeting family I usually do the full makeup though instead of a foundation I prefer compact for more natural look.I'm a girly girl so give me an occasion to wear my makeup & I would :D

    1. Aare wah! I just sit like plain Jane at home :D

  10. I don't wear make up at all. Even when going out these days like school and stuff, I don't wear make-up. just wash my face and slap on some cream.

    1. Shivani, you are so young now & young skin has its own natural glow - it doesn't even need makeup to look good :D

    2. Lies, my skin sucks. I am just freaking lazy, that's all lol.
      Blogger has threaded comments, yay!

    3. yeah, i wish I had known that when I was 16, I used to looove make-up, wore at least 6 products

    4. I am so xcited about the threaded comments myself - have been wanting them since like forever :)

      I used to get a lot of acne as a teenage - in fact I had spotty skin. I used to hate it so much I used some very abrasive prdts to get all the "oil" out. I was also very negligent about skincare - I never bothered with all those black & white heads and as a result I have enlarged pores now. The only makeup I wore back then was this Elle 18 lip glee :P

  11. I've coem to love makeup so i'll just do it anytime even at home. sometimes even to pratice.

    1. I once bought a smokey eye kit, thinking I will practice at home - kuch nahi kiya. It is still lying packed :D

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  13. When I go to visit relatives or friends-I follow my usual makeup routine-not so much when they come over to my place!! Then I just clean my face-put some kajal and lipgloss-bas-basically I put on oodles of laziness when it comes to doing serious make up at home :D :D

    1. I know what you mean GF, it is just too boring to dress up at home :)

  14. Moisturizer and Plain lipbalm.=)

  15. not much into makeup when somebody is visiting or even am going out ....
    if i am a host : kohl a must have and a gloss seriously thats it
    if am going out to friends place : kohl or gel liner , hot pink or hot coral lips

    if going for makeup shopping : then you see me full on :D ... yeahhh sometimes go bare face to try new stuff only if am in a mood to try :D :D

    loveddd reading yours

    1. Rashmi - you have such an awesome collection of lippies - when you wear them to your friend's place, I'm sure they bug you for reccos :D

      I tend to go bareface for makeup shopping & skincare also - I am such an impulse buyer - God knows, what I'll want to try & when :)

  16. interesting post...well! it depends on my mood but if I have my friends coming over I do tend to put on lot of makeup which includes foundation, loose powder, blush lippi etc .I make sure that i dont look too made up still.

    1. Thanks Anks! :D.. Your friends toh must be coming over & forever asking you to do their makeup no, you do such awesome smoky eyes :D


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