ATB featured in Cosmopolitan March '13

Hey Girls!

ATB has been featured again in Cosmo!

I was a part of the lucky 5 bloggers who were sent a bunch of products to review by Cosmo for their March '13 edition.

The other 4 bloggers are:

1. Mehak - Peaches & Blush
2. Ankita - Coralista
3. Anamika - Wiseshe
4. Pooja - Indian Beauty Central

They are all friends & bloggers I love reading and talking to and I'm sure most of you already know about them.

But, before I sign off....

Thank you dear reader for all the love, support and attention you have showered upon this blog. It wouldn't have been possible without you loving and talking about this blog! From a silent, humble begining 4 and 1/2 years ago, the blog & I have come a long way. I have learnt things & had experiences I would have never thought possible.

Thank you for reading & have a great week ahead!


  1. I loved all your wrote. I have used the DM BB and I have same thoughts about it

  2. Congrats Tanveer.... <3 so happy to see few of my fav bloggers in cosmopolitan <3

  3. congrats Tanveer :) and, wow...4 n half years is a huge achievement so keep going :)

  4. Congratulations Tanveer!!! You deserve all this and more!! Mwah!
    On a completely different note, I've quoted you and linked to your BB stick post. That okay?

  5. Congrats hun! So happy to be on the same page with friends :) hugs!

  6. Congrats Tanveer. I am avid reader of your blog and have suggested to so many friends of mine.. they all love you and wanna thank you for gr8 work u r doing. XOXO

  7. CONGRATS T! I enjoyed reading your reviews :)


  8. Congratulations Tan!! Although I'm not a regular commenter I am a loyal reader. You really deserve this recognition! :-)

    Cherry Lane xx

  9. Congrats!! U deserve it!! :)

  10. Congratssss once again tanz :D D: loveeeee your honest and no fuss reviews :D :D stay blessed dear :D

  11. Way to go, girlie!


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